ChatGPT – The Golden Boy of Generative AI

Introduction The GPT in ChatGPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. ChatGPT is a form of generative AI that lets users enter queries to which it furnishes human-like responses in the forms of images, text or videos. Trained with reinforcement learning through human feedback, ChatGPT uses Natural Language Processing and simulates human-like dialogue. It can respond … Read more

DevOps – Optimizing the Software Development Cycle

Introduction  DevOps is a combination of development and operations aiming at increasing the speed and efficiency of software development. It tries to create high-quality software by combining and automating the work of development and IT operations teams. The DevOps movement began around 2007 when the software development and IT operations communities were not satisfied with … Read more

Predictive Analytics – Garnering Insights from Data

Introduction The ability to predict future events and trends is of crucial importance across industries. The predictions could be for the near future – predicting the malfunction of a piece of machinery during the course of that week, or for the distant future, such as predicting company’s cash flows for the upcoming year.  Here-in comes … Read more

Drone Technology – Assistance from the Sky

Introduction A drone is an un-piloted aircraft. It can be semi-autonomous, receiving commands from a remote operator coupled with on-board algorithms or it may be completely autonomous initialized in the beginning by an operator. Drones are used in various fields like construction, defence, photography, marketing, delivery, agriculture, rescue and entertainment.  A drone is essentially a … Read more

Intelligent Apps – The Future of Apps

Introduction The advent of smartphones with a rapid influx of useful apps has transformed our lives in diverse ways. These apps help us organize better, communicate effectively and pretty much do everything. Now, there is a shift in trend towards “intelligent” apps. I-Apps or intelligent apps are applications which use real-time and historical data to … Read more

Digital Twins – Inter linking the Physical and the Virtual

Introduction The idea of digital twin technology was first put forth in 1991, with the publication “Mirror Worlds”, written by David Gelenter. However, it was Dr. Michael Grieves ( University of Michigan ) who first applied the concept to manufacturing in 2002 and formally announced the software idea. Eventually, NASA’s John Vickers coined the term … Read more

Smart Cities – Our Urban Future

Introduction Since time immemorial, man has tried to improve the quality of life of his community. One is reminded of the drainage system of the Indus Valley Civilization as the earliest representations. Smart City is the latest concept in this long history of attempts on this. A Smart City is a civic area that leverages … Read more

Enhancing Insight – Computer Vision

Introduction Computer Vision is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence. It involves assimilating visual data, analyzing and drawing meaningful conclusions from it. CV works very much like human vision except that the latter has had much time to evolve. Our vision has learnt to tell objects apart, how far they are, whether they are moving and … Read more

Deep Learning – Neural Networks

Introduction Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It involves using certain types of algorithms called Neural Networks inspired by the structure and function of the brain. This technology lies behind everyday products and services such as digital assistants, voice-enabled TV remotes, and credit card fraud detection as well as emerging … Read more

The Advent of Machine Learning

Introduction Machine Learning refers to the phenomenon of systems learning and improving themselves autonomously after they have been initially setup. It is an application of the broader and exciting field of Artificial Intelligence. Arthur Samuel of IBM, is credited with the coining of the term, “machine learning” during his research with the game of checkers. … Read more