Best Server-Side Languages for Web Development


Client-side and server-side programming are the two fundamental distinctions in the process of web development. While client-side programming deals with the user interface in a browser, server-side programming handles everything that happens on the server side.

The frontend code is primarily used to improve the design and behavior of the web page. This usually involves selecting and styling UI components, creating layouts, navigation and form validation etc. But your project cannot do without the foundation of backend development.

When a user requests a web page (follows a link or enters URL into the address bar of the browser), the web page is initially processed at the server and then returned as a file. Server-side coding thus handles tasks like validating submissions, using databases, and responding to the client as needed.

The choice of language for a server-side script has a significant impact on matters such as the app’s performance and scalability. Developers also consider the ease of development, community support and the project needs.

Thus in this article we will discuss the best languages for server-side programming.

Best Languages

JavaScript: This is hands-down one of the most reliable programming languages for not only server-side but also front-end development. Its features encompass interoperability, rich functions, and a huge number of development resources. 

PHP: This is globally the most widely used server-side coding technology. Developers use it for various tasks like session control, database assignments, eCommerce and dynamic content. However, it is not recommended for large development projects due to poor maintenance.

Ruby: Ruby was designed in 1995 as a scripting language by a programmer called Yukihiro Matsumoto. One of the main benefits of Ruby is that it can develop apps quickly due to several tools on the platform. It also has multiple libraries and active communities for active support.

Python: Python is preferred for coding assignments like Machine Learning and Data Analysis. With frameworks like Django and Flask, Python has on offer arrays of tools empowering developers for building robust and scalable applications.

Java: An old language, Java is famous for object-oriented programming. It can run on any device that has a JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ) installed. This enhances its versatility. Applications made with Java are highly secure but can be a bit slower when compared to others.

Rust: The performance of Rust is impressive when compared with other programming languages like Ruby and Python. It supports multiple programming standards, like C++, and guarantees memory safety also by validating references with a borrow checker.

Solidity: Solidity allows you to write complex programs. It is a statically-typed language that supports features like inheritance for executing real-life scenarios. It is particularly useful for skills involving blockchain and smart contracts.

Go: Go is meant for lightweight web services that are designed to run on mobile devices easily. This makes it very unique compared with other server-side scripting languages meant for large projects. Go also works more like the C language with features like structural typing and garbage collection.

Kotlin: Kotlin is famous for its interoperability with Java and is used in Android app development. It is a statically typed language which means that all of its variables are known at the time of compilation.

NodeJS: NodeJS works faster than many other server-side coding languages. Actually, it is not a language – it is a programming environment based on the Google Chrome V8 engine that enables developers to use it for coding. The fast responsiveness of NodeJS also makes it an excellent choice for app development.


Server-side scripts allow you to add functionality and interactivity to your website. They are the meat and bones of the project, so you must choose them carefully.

There are many languages to choose from – JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, Rust, Solidity etc. You can choose one that fits right for your project. The choice of language will ultimately decide the application’s performance, scalability and consumer cherishment.

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