Roles and Responsibilities of the Agile Project Manager


Agile project management is a dynamic and iterative approach that promotes flexibility, collaboration, and customer-centricity. The Agile life cycle is composed of several iterations or incremental steps for the completion of a project. 

The key figure in an Agile team is the Agile Project Manager. He has an excellent knowledge of the values and practices of Agile and has a strong background in managing projects. His primary focus is on shaping the working environment to foster collaboration and solutions.

The Agile PM is continually engaged in regular discussions to get external and internal feedback which allows him to be up to date with the changing business and client’s needs. This helps him guide his teams adapt and respond to challenging situations.

In this article we will look into the roles and responsibilities expected of such an Agile Project Manager.

The Role of the Project Manager in an Agile Environment

Team-Level Roles

At the team-level the APM is required to take on two hats – the consultant role and the coach role.

The Consultant Role: As a consultant, the Agile Project Manager is required to strategically allocate the right personnel, processes, and resources for team effectiveness and efficiency.

The Coach Role: In this role the APM provides mentorship and facilitates collaboration, fostering a culture of continuous improvement in the team.

Enterprise-Level Roles

At the enterprise level the APM faces more significant challenges due to the broader scope of responsibilities. In this capacity, he takes on the following roles:

Director Role: As a director, an APM coordinates multiple teams and integrates their work with activities outside their team scope. 

Leader and Manager Role: As a leader and manager, the APM is responsible for massive, enterprise-level, and complex projects. He is required to provide strategic direction, oversee coordination, and make decisions impacting the entire organization.

Hybrid Agile Roles 

These roles involve using a hybrid combination of Agile with other techniques such as Waterfall. APMs have to confront more difficult challenges when the work methodology is a compound blend.

Project Management Approach: Here the PM develops a comprehensive project management approach that harmonizes the strengths of Agile and other traditional techniques. This involves creating a customized framework that aligns with the constraints and requirements of current projects.

Planning and Managing Work: The PM is expected to keep an eye on the workflows and processes of the designed approach. He can adjust the plan as per changes in the situation, nudging his team in the right direction.

Navigating Constraints: One of the key responsibilities of the PM is to foresee challenges in the future, recognise constraints and look for solutions. In consultation with his team he should collate all ideas and determine the best way forward.

Roles and Responsibilities based on Level of Experience

One can classify the roles and responsibilities of an APM based on the level of experience also:


Roles: The APM plays the role of maintaining the structure of the process and providing guidance and direction to his team. He also makes sure that the team works upon the agreed-upon strategy and keeps on track to completing the project within the budget.


  1. To monitor and track the progress of the projects tasks and deliverables
  2. Manage project risks and issues
  3. Establish and maintain relationships with stakeholders 
  4. Utilize Agile tools to track and manage the progress
  5. Train and guide team members on Agile methodology
  6. Ensure compliance with Agile processes and best practices
  7. Provide regular progress updates to stakeholders
  8. Facilitate team meetings
  9. Generate and analyze project metrics to identify areas of lag


Roles: At the mid-level, the APM plays the role of planning, leading, organizing, and motivating the team members. He manages the day-to-day tasks, the product delivery, and the project’s overall success.


  1. Develop, review and modify project plans, ensuring timelines, budget and deliverables are achieved satisfactorily
  2. Provide support and guidance
  3. Collaborate with stakeholders
  4. Ensure project artifacts such as user stories, acceptance criteria, and test cases are properly documented
  5. Identify and address impediments and blockers, escalating them when necessary
  6. Utilize Agile tools to track team progress, productivity, and individual performance
  7. Mentor team members on Agile values and principles


Roles: At the senior-level the PM is required to have deep knowledge and experience in implementing the Agile methodology. He has to oversee the entire development process of a project from initiation to completion.


  1. Ensure that the team adheres to the Agile principles and practices 
  2. Coordinates the work of the team to ensure delivery
  3. Identify and removing any fault lines contributing to inefficiency
  4. Coach and guide team members to ensure efficient utilization of Agile methodologies


As organizations increasingly recognise the need for flexibility, collaboration, and iterative progress, project managers have emerged as major facilitators of the Agile Model. By combining their knowledge and skills in managing teams, project managers ensure that projects are completed on time and are up to the desired quality standards

To become really successful, one has to make sure to embrace the Agile mindset first. By embracing the Agile mindset, you are able to not only oversee projects but actively guide teams towards adaptability and customer-centricity. Thus all your focus gets concentrated on leading by example, empowering teams, and managing arduous and challenging tasks.

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