Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Introduction AI has evolved from the stuff of dreams to a game-changer for digital marketers today. Firms that have so far used a mix of human intuition and statistical analysis, are using AI to carry out more sophisticated data interpretations heralding a new era of business-customer interaction. The advantage of AI is that it helps … Read more

Top Coding Skills to Step-Up your Digital Marketing Career

Introduction What is the need for a digital marketeer to know programming ? When someone thinks of a digital marketeer, their mind conjures up images of glitzy ad campaigns, punchy tag-lines and sexy models donning Instagram & Facebook ads. But this is not all there is to it – it goes much deeper than that. … Read more

Digital Marketing – Connecting with Customers

Introduction Digital Marketing is the collection of rapidly evolving strategies and practices that businesses use to connect with their potential customers through the internet or other forms of digital communication. This involves methods such as email, social media, web-based advertising, text and multimedia. Essentially, through Digital Marketing a company tries to improve its market share … Read more

How to Write Meta Descriptions that Drive Traffic and Conversions

meta description

A meta description is one of the vital elements of an effective SEO strategy. It is a 150-160 characters summary that provides the zest of the content available on any webpage. As a part of the algorithm, Google chooses the web page for the SERPs that has a Meta description rich with the target keyword. … Read more

Chatbots – Everything You Should Know About


Chatbots are most popular nowadays. Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization(SEM & SEO) dominated the marketing sector in the 2000s. Social media marketing got popular around 2010 after social media giant Facebook gained popularity. The most recent marketing trend that was observed was the rise of Mobile marketing as new apps were being launched … Read more

Sell on Instagram: Why to Sell on Instagram Using Shoppable Posts


According to research, it was found that more than 72% of internet users search for visual content before making a purchase. The survey also found that 78% of online shoppers said they wanted more pictures on eCommerce sites. Two statistics are evidence of why Instagram has become a leading channel for businesses to promote their … Read more

Twitter Launches Stories features like Instagram – Fleets


In March this year, Twitter announced that it was testing a new feature called ‘Fleets’ in Brazil. Starting today, Twitter has started testing the feature in India. Twitter Fleets Fleets is ephemeral content that one can post on Twitter and it will automatically disappear after 24 hours, just like Instagram’s ‘Stories’ feature. Although, Twitter is … Read more

How to Scale Your Facebook Ads (While Maintaining a Healthy Return on Ad Spend)

how to scale your facebook ads

Facebook ads have proven their potential by helping businesses reap great profits on their investments. However, the transition from a small budget ad spend to a larger budget is tough. Often businesses fail to make the right transition strategy for scaling up their Facebook spend. This results in poor returns on investment while it is … Read more

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing strategy is the best medium to connect with your target audience. Most of your customers are already spending a significant amount of time on different social media platforms. By developing an engaging strategy, you can use the power of social media to attract target customers to your business on an ongoing basis. … Read more